Ropes that perform above and beyond.
Aerial acrobatics. Thousand-pound props. Moving lights and cameras. There’s a great deal of engineering that goes into designing the lines that will hold your performance together. Our experts engineer synthetic lines that meet the design factor and breaking strength requirements your applications demand—providing artists the utmost safety and reassurance on stage.
Made from high-performance fibers that are strong yet soft on the hands, our lines can be custom-built to any theatrical application, and braided to extremely small diameters. Whether that’s a braid optimized for bending for a winch or fine braids built for human flight. Each line is easy to splice and inspect, and is braided torque-free to eliminate twisting under load. All of our solutions are backed with extensive service options, including pre-stretching of ropes, testing, and proof loading.

Our synthetics outperform steel wire.
Get synthetic lines for rigging, production, theatrical effects, winches, or anything in between. We can braid rope diameter dimensions that are less than 1mm so they’re practically imperceptible. Most of our rope constructions are available in the color black upon request. While Technora®, Vectran® and polyester fibers are available naturally black; other fibers, such as BOB® or Plasma®, can be coated black. We can also engineer fiber-friendly hardware for your theatrical application to improve rigging and safety. Tap into our engineering expertise and we’ll help design a solution that meets your exact requirements.
The high-strength, lightweight Technora fiber provides virtually no creep and has very high heat and fatigue resistance.
Vectran fiber is the best choice when an application requires zero creep resistance. The high-strength fiber has excellent bend and flex fatigue resistance.
Braid Optimized for Bending (BOB) is the best solution for high bending fatigue applications, making it a very popular choice for winch lines.